Getting Scrappy!

This is a project for NWAPW.

Our goal is to create a game that teaches players how to sort items into their respective bins. Each level will have specific rules for the player to use while sorting discarded items, and the player will have access to these rules. Once the level begins, a conveyor belt will move items across the screen. The player will then be able to drag these items off of the conveyor belt and drop them into labeled bins. Points are gained if items are placed in the correct bin and lost if they are placed into the wrong bin. If items leave the screen, no points are gained or lost. We are creating this project using Unity (2018.4.7) and C#.

The Team: Quadraceratops

Quadraceratops Team Members:

  • Rij (Bottom Right)
  • Lila (Bottom Left)
  • Elaine (Top Right)
  • Alan (Top Left)

Demo Video

Technical Demo Video

Project Links

To see our live demo on 8/7/20, please visit: